L’elenco delle pubblicazioni del Lab è sempre in costante aggiornamento!
- Alfonso Guarino, Domenico Santoro, Luca Grilli, Rocco Zaccagnino, Mario Balbi. (2024). EvoFolio: a portfolio optimization method based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Neural Computing & Applications
- Giulio Mario Cappelletti, Rossana Caputo, Michela Cariglia, Luca Grilli, Carlo Russo, Domenico Santoro, Giacinto Angelo Sgarro Harnessing the power of blockchain in the agri-food sector: a meta-analysis of current research and best practices, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 17, 2023, no. 10, 477-501
- Sgarro Giacinto Angelo, Luca Grilli, Anna Antonia Valenzano, Fiorenzo Moscatelli, Domenico Monacis, Giusi Toto, Antonella De Maria, Giovanni Messina, and Rita Polito The Role of BIA Analysis in Osteoporosis Risk Development: Hierarchical Clustering Approach. Diagnostics 2023 (Section Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostics), 13, 2292.
- Alfonso Guarino, Luca Grilli, Domenico Santoro, Francesco Messina, Rocco Zaccagnino On the efficacy of ‘herd behavior’ in the commodities market. A neuro-fuzzy agent ‘herding’ on deep learning traders, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, in press (2023)
- Giacinto Angelo Sgarro, Luca Grilli, Anna Valenzano, Fiorenzo, Moscatelli, Domenico Monacis, Giusi Antonia Toto, Antonella De Maria, Giovanni Messina, Rita Polito The role of BIA Analysis in Osteoporosis Risk Develop- ment: Hierarchical clustering approach, Diagnostics (section Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence), in press (2023).
- Emiliano del Gobbo, Alfonso Guarino, Barbara Cafarelli, Luca Grilli GradeAid: a framework for automatic short answers grading in educational contexts—design, implementation and evaluation, Knowledge and Information Systems (2023)
- Emiliano del Gobbo, Alfonso Guarino, Barbara Cafarelli, Luca Grilli, Pierpaolo Limone, Automatic evaluation of open-ended questions for online learning. A systematic mapping, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume 77, 2023, 101258, ISSN 0191-491X
- Cappelletti, Giulio Mario, Luca Grilli, Carlo Russo, and Domenico Santoro Benchmarking Sustainable Mobility in Higher Education Sustainability 15, no. 6: 5190. 2023.
- Sgarro G. A., Grilli L. Genetic algorithm for optimal multivariate mixture, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 17, 2023, no. 1, 15-25
- Di Bari Antonio, Santoro Domenico, Tarrazon-Rodon Maria Antonia, and Villani Giovanni, (2023). The impact of polarity score on real option valuation for multistage projects. Quality & Quantity. doi: 10.1007/s11135-023-01635-6
- Cardillo G., Giordani P., Levantesi S., Nigri A., Spelta A., Mortality forecasting using a four-way CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. 2023
- Levantesi S., Nigri A., Piscopo G., Spelta A., Multi-country clustering-based forecasting of healthy life expectancy. Quality & Quantity, 2023, 1-27
- Grilli L., Santoro D. Forecasting financial time series with Boltzmann entropy through neural networks, Computational Management Science, Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 665 - 681, October 2022.
- Cappelletti G. M., Grilli L., Russo C., Santoro D. Machine Learning and Sustainable Mobility: TheCase of the University of Foggia (Italy), Applied Sciences 12, no. 17: 8774. 2022.
- Guarino A., Grilli L., Santoro D., Messina F., Zaccagnino R. To learn or not to learn? Evaluating autonomous, adaptive, automated traders in cryptocurrencies financial bubbles, Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 34, Issue 23, Pages 20715 - 20756, December 2022.
- Lamonaca E., Cafarelli B., Calculli C., Tricase C. Consumer perception of attributes of organic food in Italy: A CUB model study. Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2022.
- Nigri A., Aburto J. M., Basellini U., Bonetti M. Evaluation of age-specific causes of death in the context of the Italian longevity transition. Scientific Reports 12, 22624. 2022.
- Grilli L., Santoro D. Generative Adversarial Network to evaluate quantity of information in financial markets, Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 34, Issue 20, Pages 17473 - 17490, October 2022.
- Colasanto F., Grilli L., Santoro D., Villani G. Neural Network Contribute to Reverse Cryptographic Processes in Bitcoin Systems: attention on SHA256, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 16, 2022, no. 4, 215 - 232
- Colasanto F., Grilli L., Santoro D., Villani G. BERT's sentiment score for portfolio optimization: a fine-tuned views in Black and Litterman model, Neural Computing and Applications, 34(20), pp. 17507-17521 (2022).
- Cardillo G., Giordani P., Levantesi S., Nigri A. A tensor-based approach to cause-of-death mortality modeling. Annals of Operations Research, 1-20. 2022
- Colasanto F., Grilli L., Santoro D., Villani G. AlBERTino for stock price prediction: a Gibbs sampling approach, Information Sciences, Volume 597, 2022, Pages 341-357, ISSN 0020-0255
- Casalino G., Grilli L., Guarino A., Schicchi D., Taibi D. Intelligent Knowledge Understanding from Students Questionnaires: A Case Study. 2022. In: Casalino G. et al. (eds), Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online. HELMeTO 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1542. Springer, Switzerland.
- Nigri A., Levantesi S., Aburto J. M. Leveraging deep neural networks to estimate age specific mortality from life expectancy at birth. DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. 2022. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2022.47.8
- Marino M., Levantesi S., Nigri A. A neural approach to improve the Lee-Carter mortality density forecasts. North American Actuarial Journal. 2022.
- del Gobbo E., Guarino A., Cafarelli B., Grilli L., Limone P. On the perceptions of online learning due to COVID-19 pandemic. Case study: University of Foggia, Italy. In: Limone, P., Di Fuccio, R., Toto, G.A. (eds) Psychology, Learning, Technology. PLT 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1606. Springer, Cham.
- Levantesi S., Nigri A., Piscopo G. Clustering-based simultaneous forecasting of life expectancy time series through Long-Short Term Memory Neural Networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2021.
- Casalino G., Cafarelli B., del Gobbo E., Fontanella L., Grilli L., Guarino A., Limone P., Schicchi D., Taibi D. Framing automatic grading techniques for open-ended questionnaires responses. A short survey. 2021. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 3025, ISSN 1613-0073
- del Gobbo, E., Fontanella, S., Sarra, A. et al. Emerging Topics in Brexit Debate on Twitter Around the Deadlines. Social Indicators Research 156, 669–688, 2021.
- Grilli L., Casalino G., Limone P., Santoro D., Schicchi D. Deep learning for knowledge tracing in learning analytics: an overview, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning Environments for Blended Education - The Italian e-Learning Conference 2021, In CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS - ISSN:1613-0073, 2021, vol. 2817
- Casalino G., Grilli L., Schicchi D., Taibi D. Intelligent Knowledge understanding from students questionnaires, Book of Abstracts HELMeTO 2021 3rd International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies, 2021, Ed. by Marta Cimitile and Riccardo Pecori, pp. 66-68, ISBN: 978-88-99978-36-5
- Russo, V, del Gobbo E. Inside Trending Topic Algorithm: How Do Human Interactions Drive Public Opinion in an Artificial Environment. Social Science Computer Review. Volume 41 Issue 1, 2021.
- Limone P., Toto G.A., Cafarelli, B. The Decision-Making Process and the Construction of Online Sociality through the Digital Storytelling Methodology. Electronics 2021, 10, 2465.
- Grilli L., Santoro D. Cryptocurrencies markets and entropy: a statistical ensemble based approach. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 15, 2021, no. 7, 297-320. doi: 10.12988/ams.2021.914488
- Grilli L., Gutierrez M., Maddalena L., Piga A. Optimal selection and environmental sustainability of innovative storage conditions and packaging technologies in cheesecake production, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14, 2020, no. 6, 245-270,
- Bisceglia M., Grilli L., A Dynamic Private Property Resource Game with Asymmetric Firms, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 43, 109–127 (2020).
- Nigri A., Levantesi S., Marino M. Life expectancy and lifespan disparity forecasting: a Long ShortTerm Memory approach. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. 2020
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Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Lab
1° piano, Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Territorio (DEMeT)
Via A. da Zara, 11 - 71121 Foggia, Italia
Telefono (Head): +39 0881 781808